What if you could go back in time and recover the lost information?

E se pudesse voltar atrás no tempo e recuperar a informação que perdeu?

It sounds like a question coming out of a science fiction movie. However, it is now possible to go back in time and recover data that has been lost due to disasters or computer attacks. Time machine tools are a must-have in contemporary enterprise, as information security threats are increasingly sophisticated and occur in greater numbers. In today’s article, we discuss the main features of RAAS, a tool that allows you to recover data even in the event of more extreme attacks!

What is RAAS?

RAAS is a disaster recovery service totally managed by specialized equipment and gives you the possibility to recover a virtual server in seconds. It has the following characteristics:

  • No initial investment: Recovery and backup provided as a service only with monthly payment
  • Service guarantee: Fully staffed service
  • Fast recovery: Ability to recover a virtual server in seconds
  • Continuous management: Service managed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for a guarantee of the availability of your applications
  • Easy Disaster Activation: Ability to Enable Remote Virtual Servers for Fast Recovery
  • Dedicated infrastructure: Guarantee of isolation of your data for a total protection of the information

How does RAAS work?

  • Works with Vmware and HyperV
  • Configurable frequency and replica data replication
  • Flexible reconfiguration
  • Fully Managed Service
  • Complete recovery solution
  • Continuous service monitoring
  • Technical RTO <1 hour

Advantages of RAAS

  • Pay only for the service you are using at any given time.
  • Our solution is not watertight: it adapts to your real needs and your size. You do not have to pay for services you do not use.
  • RAAS does not require any intervention on your part. Our team deals with everything and frees you for other tasks.
  • Management 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for an effective monitoring of your data. No breaks or interruptions.
  • Guarantee recovery of your critical data even in case of disaster, maximizing the security of your information.
  • Implementation and management by experienced team of Business Continuity solutions, ensuring maximum performance and security


It is more economical to deploy virtual machines that are capable of recovering data in the event of a disaster. Before virtualization, recovery costs were three times higher, because companies had the need to have multiple datacenters replicating data. A cloud disaster recovery solution offers more affordable costs and greater efficiency.

The loss of data in a company can be fatal, even leading to its bankruptcy. In addition, a company that sees your data exposed will need to recover its good image and recover the trust with customers and other stakeholders. According to Gartner, only 35% of small and medium-sized companies are betting on a disaster recovery plan and these are the ones that most easily succeed. Thus such a solution is essential to minimize (and in some cases eliminate) the damage caused by the exposure of confidential data.

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