How to guarantee data security in a pandemic world?

Como garantir a segurança dos dados num mundo em pandemia?

The world is going through an unprecedented phase. The coronavirus has radically changed the way we live and, consequently, the way we work. Many companies are adopting homeoffice as a way to guarantee business inheritance. However, this work format can bring serious risks to the security of data, so it is essential to adopt all possible strategies to ensure data security. Here are some essential tips to protect your data in a pandemic world!

Connect to your business through VPN

It is very likely that some employees will have to use personal equipment in order to work. However, and especially in these cases, you must ensure the maximum protection of the equipment so as not to put confidential information at risk. Therefore, we advise you to use a VPN connection. A VPN network is a virtual private network that transmits encrypted data as it navigates from one point to another in the Web world. Connecting via the VPN allows the user to browse websites securely and privately.

More than ever, use a disaster recovery solution

RAAS is a very complete solution that, in addition to copying data, also guarantees its efficient restoration in the event of natural disasters or infrastructure failures. This type of solutions has the main objective of eliminating (or at least minimizing on a large scale) a company’s downtime due to failures. RAAS is a disaster recovery service fully managed by a specialized team and gives you the possibility to recover a virtual server in seconds. Even if you are attacked, you will quickly be able to return to normal operation. In a time of such uncertainty, it is essential to value prevention.

Use the Cloud to store business data

The public cloud is a trend and a necessity, as it allows high levels of security and, at the same time, costs reduction with infrastructures. In this phase when it is essential to reduce costs and increase security, cloud storage solutions are a must have in any organization.

Implement a strict information security policy

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the security principles that the company adopts and that must be followed by employees. The security policy must be applied to all information systems, at the desktop and mobile level. For the policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in its implementation.

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